We're a dev team based in Nairobi, Kenya. Our main focus is developing FrontlineSMS, a desktop and web-based mobile messaging automation system.

Our Products

  1. FrontlineSMS

    Our free and open source client for Linux, Mac and Windows. Automate SMS and missed calls sent and received via USB modem or tethered mobile phones, or via FrontlineSync on Android.

  2. FrontlineCloud

    Our web client. Extends FrontlineSMS Desktop functionality to support multiple online aggregators, allowing operation at greater scale.

  3. FrontlineSync

    Allows users to connect their Android device to either FrontlineCloud or FrontlineSMS in order to use their mobile device as a connection for sending and receiving SMSs and tracking missed calls.

Open Source

  1. FrontlineSMS2 Core & Radio Every release of FrontlineSMS 2.x for Desktop. Built in Groovy using the Grails framework

  2. Frontlinesms-Multiselector jQuery plugin that provides a multi-object selector, based on Tokenfield for Bootstrap. The core development for this project was done by SolDevelo.

  3. SugarMock A mocking library for SugarORM, an ORM library for SQLite on Android

  4. Cookbook An open document format for defining automated systems based on SMS and missed calls.

  5. Bails A set of bash scripts to aid Grails development, packaged as a Grails plugin.

  6. More available on our Github organisation page


We're always looking for good developers, and people with the skills and experience to bring the best out of them. You can find the latest news on all vacancies on our organisation website, or you can send an email to dev-jobs@frontlinesms.com.